Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash.jpg


Additional science resources

Fire education coloring pages

Students ages 11-18 can become advocates for environmental action by joining the global Ocean Awareness Contest

Access virtual tours of National Parks and over 2,500 museums via Google Arts and Culture

Discover multimedia experiences that combine video, animation and games that include topics such as polar ecosystems, solar storms and renewable energy for teens Nova Labs at PBS

Ranger Rick, the children's magazine of the National Wildlife Federation, is making its website is currently free

stemCONNECT uses video conferencing to connect students and experts in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM)

Live Science eExplore simple plant science or learn about non-Newtonian with this list of Live Science experiments

Education Resources for At-Home Learning from NC Sea Grant 

Resources from additional Sea Grant programs throughout the country

Time Magazine's Time for Kids for elementary and middle school students are currently free and fully accessible at home

Explore online lessons with videos, animations, simulations and exercises from the Physics Classroom

Want to have a family Q&A with a scientist? Sign up at Skype a Scientist and get matched with an expert

If you have a 3D printer you can download digital 3D models from NASA

Paper models of satellites and observatories are available for download from the European Space Agency's website

Download free how-to guides from Snap Circuits to learn about engineering and how electronics

The Smokey Generation is posting new educational wildland fire coloring pages every day

Join the Burned Area Learning Network on a virtual field tour of three sites with their “After the Fire” storymap